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A Movement

It's Tuesday. Since 2020 started, so many things have happened. But I only want to focus on one matter in this post; the tragic death of George Floyd.

George Floyd died because of asphyxiation when a police officer buried his face into the concrete with his knee on his neck. What the police officer did was unforgivable. When a person tells you they can't breathe, have some sense and don't continue to have your knee buried into someone's neck. 

Since Mr. Floyd's death, many riots and protests have started. Rioters have destroyed businesses, stole possessions, and vandalized. They go around destroying property and holding signs that say #BlackLivesMatter, #ICantBreathe, #AllLivesMatter, Justice for George Floyd's death, etc. If they want justice, why do they go around destroying Tom's business when he had nothing to do with Mr. Floyd's death? If all lives matter, why are they destroying the property and livelihood of others? 

How does #TheShowMustBePaused help? Look, I understand that what happened in Minneapolis was wrong, but what message does this hashtag serve? How does going black for a day or week help? Why are we only going black because of this death, but not for the thousands that are slaughtered every day? Let's not forget the real reason of how Mr. Floyd died. It's not about the color of skin. A policeman killed him. So far, the message of justice that everyone wants for Mr. Floyd's death is not happening. The riots, stealing, and vandalism is continuing throughout the day.

The Bible tells us that all life is valuable; the life of a 1-week old baby to a 100-year-old grandma. Romans 12:10 tells us to love each other with brotherly love. Rioting, looting, destroying, vandalizing is not the way of showing love, nor a way to bring justice. Love is to be shown in deed and truth (1 John 3:18). 

How can rioting help the world right now? How does destroying cities help the cause? Again, the murder of George Floyd was terrible, but peace and justice will not happen when evil is going on. God gave us a spirit of self-control, so don't let anger and feelings control what we do. (Eph. 3:17)

"He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the steadfast love of the Lord. " Psalm 33:5


Chloe Elizabeth

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